Prolog Services
We helped develop, maintain, integrate and/or migrate some of the largest Prolog applications in the world, over decades and until this day. We have ample field experience with SICStus, SWI, XSB, YAP and other Prologs, as well as in integrating with Java, Javascript, Python, SQL and more.
Logical English
A constrained natural language executable as PROLOG, but still readable by domain experts. See its open source repository on Github for examples, code and papers.
Logic Production Systems
We’ve been contributing to this open source project for a new language that attempts to unify imperative and logic programming. Visit our reference demo web site to experience it:
Prolog Studio (deprecated)
Do you write XSB Prolog code? An open source IDE for XSB Prolog and derived higher level languages. XSB Prolog is a uniquely powerful logic enginel.
It takes 5 minutes to
['watch the quick tour', download, install]
. Go to the Prolog Studio page.
Java/Prolog SDK
An open source library to enable Java apps to use XSB Prolog engines, and vice-versa.