What we do

InterProlog Consulting develops and maintains software applications and developer tools for a number of platforms, encompassing logic programming, web application development, knowledge and data backends. Decades of experience in Prolog, SQL, Java, Javascript and other languages.

We also provide application modernisation, legacy system integration, data migration and normalisation, and other challenging elements for government and industrial organisations.

mia health
Champaign, IL, USA
Development of hybrid cognitive/LLM AI engine

Bridgewater, NJ, USA
Prolog support

Zug, Switzerland
Development of Pacioli XBRL/SBRM validator engine

Axiome Partners
London, UK
Logical English development

Pert, Australia
Prolog and Logical English development

D2 Legal Technology
London, UK
Modelling of ISDA contracts

XSB, Inc.
Setauket, NY, USA
Prolog, JavaScript and Java development, for SWISS and other projects.

Harbor AI
Flora2, Prolog, Groovy development

World Health Organization / UNICEF
Geneve, Switzerland
Prolog development

Imperial College
London, UK
Prolog, Javascript development, for Logic Production Systems

European University Institute
Firenze, Italy
Prolog, Logical English development

Coherent Knowledge Systems, LLC
Seattle, WA, USA
Prolog and Java development

Logical Contracts
Ethereum blockchain API, explainable logic engine, web environment

KnowMatters, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Java development

São Paulo, Brazil
Python, Javascript development

InterProlog Consulting staff and open source software migrated from Declarativa